Bethel Book Publishing

Cuando Dios Se Vuelve Real

Cuando Dios Se Vuelve Real

by Johnson, Brian

Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONEEL PÁNICO SE APODERÓ DE BRIAN JOHNSON cuando él estaba afuera con su hijo, y se aferró a él en su frenético camino a casa. Sintiéndose fuera de sí mismo, su familia llamó al 911. Brian estaba dando vueltas en la oscuridad...

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When God Becomes Real

When God Becomes Real

by Johnson, Brian

Panic snuck up on Brian Johnson while he was out with his son, and it clung to him on his desperate drive home. Feeling almost outside of himself, his family called 911. He was spiraling into darkness. Waiting for the ambulance to arrive, unsure of what was happening, he gathered his family around him and asked them to pray for him...

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  • Cuando Dios Se Vuelve Real

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