Sonflower Publishing Company

Discovering GOD's Sacred SECRETS

Discovering GOD's Sacred SECRETS

by Wright, Herstine

Discovering God's Sacred SECRETSis a valuable teaching tool that aids the believer to unfold God's most treasured blessing by revealing who God gives His Secrets to: the place to find His Secrets; and the Divine purpose for revealing His Secrets.  By tapping into the mysteries of God, we see our purpose for living in the Kingdom of God...

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by Wright, Herstine

FIRESTARTERS! God's FIREmen is a book of worship and authority.  It is also a revelation of the baptism of FIRE and the purpose of God's Presence that resides in us.If you ever wanted to experience God's FIRE, this book is a must read.  It contains everything a born again believer desires to know. It is also a valuable teaching tool for Bible Study.

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A Report from The Heights

A Report from The Heights

by Wright, Herstine

A Report from The Heightsis a Biblical teaching coupled with testimony of the hidden truths of Seeing and Enjoying the Salvation of the LORD daily.  It is also a revelation of the Attributes of the LORD'S Salvation found in the Word of God and disclosed in His manifest Presence...

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YOU'RE WELCOME! God's Expression of Gratitude

YOU'RE WELCOME! God's Expression of Gratitude

by Wright, Herstine

YOU'RE WELCOME! God's Expression of Gratitude is a powerful teaching, testimony, and revelation of The Power of Giving Thanks to God.  More importantly, it reveals God's RESPONSE to a grateful heart in the form of manifold blessings...

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