Beyond Dreams Publishing Group

Beyond Believing

Beyond Believing

by Marx, D.D.

When Olivia gets news of her best friend Dan’s fatal car accident, her entire life is upended. Shattered with grief and struggling to find any meaning or purpose to life, she trudges along with a gaping void in her heart. Finally, when her frustration reaches its peak, Olivia decides to trust Dan’s eternal friendship...

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Beyond Believing

Beyond Believing

by Marx, D.D.

When Olivia gets news of her best friend Dan’s fatal car accident, her life is shattered. Consumed with grief and struggling to find any meaning or purpose to life, she trudges along with a gaping void in her heart. Finally, when her frustration reaches its peak, Olivia decides to put her trust in the depth of friendship the two of them shared...

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Beyond Forever

Beyond Forever

by Marx, D.D.

Just as their life is seemingly back on track, Finn McDaniel’s gets news that sends him into a tail-spin. He is faced with the prospect of losing Olivia Henry forever. He immediately turns to Dan, Olivia’s deceased best friend, who is her loyal and constant guardian angel from the beyond, imploring him for his help...

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Beyond Love

Beyond Love

by Marx, D.D.

After trusting in her beloved friend Dan’s guidance from above, Olivia is finally on the path to realizing her destiny.  Staring at a blank canvas after ditching her raucous corporate life and meeting the love of her life, Finn McDaniels, a hot, widowed, celebrity chef, she is ready to begin anew...

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The Dan Diaries

The Dan Diaries

by Marx, D.D.

Dan Sullivan was the best friend of Olivia Henry when his life was taken in a tragic car accident. Shocked to be on the other side, Dan navigates his way by learning his new role in eternal life.  His first assignment is as Olivia’s guardian angel.  He has the crucial role of guiding her to her pre-defined destiny...

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