Mutasian Entertainment, LLC

Figley vs. the Mookling Hat

Figley vs. the Mookling Hat

by Cotsakos, Suzanne

On the island of Mutasia, where everyone is a mixed-up mix of two or more different animals, being one-of-a-kind is just a way of life. But a funky, new fashion craze is sweeping the island, and everyone looks the same. Mutasians are wearing mooklings (moose-ducks) on their heads and calling them “Mookling Hats.” Figley is the only kid without one, and doesn’t feel like he fits in anymore...

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Figley's Little White Lie

Figley's Little White Lie

by Cotsakos, Suzanne

Meet Figley. He’s part possum, part cow, and part bird. He lives on the island of Mutasia, where everyone is a mixed-up mix of two or more different animals. When Figley accidentally breaks his friend’s prized possession, he tells a little white lie to pass the blame onto something else...

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Figley’s Search For The Perfect Pet

Figley’s Search For The Perfect Pet

by Cotsakos, Suzanne

001107611Mutasian Entertainment LLC5171714.0On the island of Mutasia, where everyone is a mix of two or more different animals, it sure is hard to find the perfect pet...

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