Habits of Health Press

Dr. A's Habits of Health

Dr. A's Habits of Health

by Andersen, Dr. Wayne Scott

Go from surviving to thriving! If you've ever tried to lose weight only to gain it back, Dr...

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Habitos de Salud del Dr. A

Habitos de Salud del Dr. A

by Andersen, Dr. Wayne Scott

Más de 80% de las personas que tratan de perder peso por sólo una dieta fracasan porque no cumplen con los cambios fundamentales que alimentan el comportamiento cotidiano. En su nuevo libro, Hábitos de salud del Dr...

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Living a Longer, Healthier Life

Living a Longer, Healthier Life

by Andersen, Dr. Wayne Scott

This workbook serves as the companion guide to the best-selling book Dr. A's Habits of Health, a comprehensive manual designed to give you control of your daily habits and behaviors in order to create a life of vibrancy and optimal health. Living a Longer, Healthier Life is a critical piece of self-actualization. It's the difference between just reading about creating health and actually doing it.

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