Fast Cash
How I Made a Fortune Buying Notes
How Lorelei Stevens made a fortune buying notes - and how you can too! She's one of America's premier career note buyers. In the pages of Fast Cash she immerses you in the business through absorbing stories of how it's really done, one note at a time. The unexpected result is a masterpiece of human interest writing. It follows the dreams and despair of people who've sold their real estate, financed the sale with a note, and later found themselves in need of Fast Cash. That's where the note buyer steps in - and that's where you step into Lorelei Stevens' fascinating world of Fast Cash.
Lorelei Stevens Lorelei Stevens is President of Wall Street Brokers, Inc., a Seattle, Washington-based firm nationally known for its expertise in note buying. She has negotiated millions of dollars worth of notes, written extensively, and taught many seminars. She's been written up in Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The San Francisco Chronicle.