Hearts of the Fathers

Leaving a Legacy that Lasts

After decades of decline of the intact family, it’s time for fathers to step up to the plate and be the men they are called to be.

Hearts of the Father is a passionate response to the Father's end-time warning that the hearts of the fathers will never be truly turned toward their children, nor will the hearts of the children be turned toward their fathers until the hearts of the fathers are truly turned back to the heavenly Father. As French author Abbé Prévost wrote, “The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” And a heart for God will leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

Charles Crismier

Charles Crismier is founder and president of Save America Ministries. He has often been called "A John the Baptist for our times." Chuck brings a prophetic message in these final moments of history as seductive deception sweeps the earth. His daily radio broadcast Viewpoint, and many books have positioned him as a voice to the Church, declaring vision for the nation.

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