The War on Police

How the Ferguson Effect is Making America Unsafe

The War on Police is a cop's-eye view of one of the most tumultuous times in recent history for law enforcement, which has spawned a growing movement, fueled by a biased news media and Black Lives Matter, to demonize police across the country.
Complete with an exclusive one-on-one interview with Officer Darren Wilson, The War on Police starts by setting the record straight about the realities on the ground in Ferguson, repudiating the shameful movement against police. Author Jeff Roorda analyzes how, nearly two years later, the media perversely continue to slant story after story, attacking the methods police use to protect communities and themselves from criminals, despite the reality that before the Ferguson incident, crime had been declining for two decades. Yet after Ferguson and the war on police it ignited, violent crime has surged in cities across the country.

Jeff Roorda

Jeff Roorda, a retired police officer and a four-term Missouri State Representative, currently works as the business manager for the St. Louis Police Officers Association, the union that represents police in St. Louis, Missouri. Roorda is a monthly columnist for the Gendarme, the official newspaper of the St. Louis Police Officers Association. In the wake of the shooting of Michael Brown, Roorda was the go-to police commentator for CNN’s coverage of the Ferguson incident and its aftermath, appearing on ABC, CNN, FOX and other news networks.

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