Be Thou Prepared

Equipping the Church for Persecution and Times of Trouble

Be Thou Prepared warns of the imminent Christian persecution coming to the United States and explains the role of faith in times of trouble. Be Thou Prepared is the first book to deal with spiritual and practical readiness for what's bound to come – sooner or later. While acknowledging true hope lies in faith and reliance on God in the face of disaster and persecution, Be Thou Prepared also makes the biblical case for preparedness for all types of situations – not as an option but as a spiritual imperative.

Full of practical advice on maintaining necessary medical supplies, storing food, arranging for temporary shelters, and more, Be Thou Prepared equips Christians and Christian leaders to understand they best way they can prepare themselves and their congregations so as not to be caught off guard but to be ready to help those in need when evil comes to their door.

Carl Gallups of Milton, Florida

Carl Gallups is a police officer–turned senior pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Florida. Gallups is the author of The Rabbi Who Found Messiah and Magic Man in the Sky, a radio talk show host, a member of the Board of Regents University of Mobile, and the founder of the PPSimmons News and Ministry Network.

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