Lights On

The Non-Technical Guide to Battery Power when the Grid Goes Down

The US electric grid is at greater risk today than ever before. From aging infrastructure, severe weather, and EPA mandated closure of coal-fired power plants to solar storms, digital sabotage, terrorism, and electromagnetic pulse attacks, future outages are almost certain. Lights On has the solution. Energy expert Jeffrey Yago lays out the lost history of early residential battery power and delves into just how durable and universal battery-powered devices are. Battery-powered devices can provide lighting, communications, refrigeration, safety, and entertainment when all else fails. Yago covers the multiple ways to keep your batteries recharged and ready to go. 

Jeffrey R. Yago

Jeffrey Yago is a licensed engineering, NABCEP certified solar professional, and a certified energy professional with more than forty years professional experience working in the energy and emergency power field. He is a regular contributor to Backwoods Home Magazine and has contributed to Home Power Magazine and Mother Earth News. Yago is committed to energy independence and lives outside of Richmond, Virginia.

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