The Word, Church And Sacrament

In Protestantism And Catholicism

The Word, Church and Sacraments in Protestantism and Catholicism is a theological classic. It seeks to foster unity and deeper understanding among Christians by comparing the Catholic and Protestant views of Scripture, Church authority, and the Sacraments. Bouyer, one of the greatest theologians of the 20th century and a convert from Protestantism, contributed significantly to the movement out of which came the Second Vatican Council's efforts to promote Christian unity. In The Word, Church and Sacraments, he shows how Catholic teaching is often misunderstood by Catholics and Protestants alike, and how this teaching is fundamentally compatible with key positive elements of Reformation thought. He also examines the main points of disagreement between Catholicism and Protestantism, and demonstrates how Catholicism, properly understood, maintains the theological balance necessary to uphold some of the main truths on which Catholics and Protestants agree.

Louis Bouyer

Louis Bouyer (1913–2004) was born to a Parisian Protestant family and was ordained as a Lutheran pastor at age twenty-three. He converted to Catholicism in 1939 and was ordained a priest of the Oratory in 1944. He became a prolific theological writer and teacher worldwide. His works have had an enduring impact on Catholic theology. His other books include The Church of God and The Word, Church and Sacraments.

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