The Walls Are Talking

Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories

This book narrates the harrowing and life-changing experiences of former abortion clinic workers, including those of the author, who once directed abortion services at a large Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas. These individuals, whose names have been changed to protect their identities, left their jobs in the abortion industry after experiencing a change of heart. They have come forward with their stories, not for fame or notoriety, but to shed light on the reality of abortion. They want their stories to change the lives of others for the better.

These stories are difficult to read, because an abortion is an act of violence, harming not only the obvious victim—the unborn child-- but also the mother, the father, the doctor, and everyone else involved. But these stories also offer hope, for they show that anyone, no matter what part the person has played in an abortion, can start anew, can make amends for past mistakes. They demonstrate that the first step on that journey is telling the truth, as these courageous individuals do in these pages.

"Those of us that have worked in the abortion industry all live with a constant burden. We can't let our burden slide off of our shoulders; it is what keeps us on fire. It reminds us of why we fight so hard. We have seen death and evil in a way that most haven't—and we participated. But we are forgiven. He who has been forgiven much, loves much. And we love a lot. I am eagerly awaiting the day when we can call all abortionists and clinic workers former and repentant abortion providers."
— Abby Johnson, author

Abby Johnson

Kristin Detrow

Kristin Detrow's passion for the pro-life movement started when her twins were diagnosed with a serious medical condition in utero and she refused a specialist's recommendation to abort one of her babies. Today, she is the mother of healthy twin boys and a daughter adopted from Uganda. Special needs adoption and orphan care are of the utmost importance to Kristin. She works to help deaf children living in poverty through Deaf Child Hope and also works with Abby Johnson at And Then There Were None to help abortion clinic workers leave the industry. Kristin is the author of pro-life novel The Intrusion. She lives in Maryland with her husband and children.

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