This Isn't the Apocalypse We Hoped For


How do we navigate a world of fast-food joints, big-box stores and traffic jams, where people grandstand in the deli and homeless men announce the end of the world through “slats in the sky”? Where the cumulative result of our lifestyle is a gyre of garbage and plastic in the North Pacific? Al Rempel’s This Isn’t the Apocalypse We Hoped For addresses this concern with humility and compassion, as it takes us above the trees in a sky canoe and into the city, asking us to receive each kindness and press it close, while we journey across this earth we’ve inherited “with the tilt and skew of athletes."

Al Rempel Al Rempel graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Physics and a Bachelor of Education. In 2000 he attended the Victoria School of Writing after which time he began submitting poetry. He has since been published in The Malahat Review, Grain, and stonestone and anthologized in 4 Poets, Rocksalt, Half in the Sun, The Forestry Diversity Project and Down in the Valley. He has built a cabin, chopped his own firewood and grown a garden in the bush, but now prefers to write in coffee shops and watch his daughter grow up.

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