When the Lion Roars

Understanding the Implications of Ancient Prophecies for Our Time

Meticulously documented with reliable sources and sound contextual biblical study, When the Lion Roars equips you to understand the gravity of the days in which we are living.

In When the Lion Roars, discover what the Bible really says about…

We are living in intense but exciting times. We are living in prophetically unprecedented times. Be on guard; prepare your heart and mind. Make certain you have a biblically balanced understanding of our generation. Be ready with wisdom and perspective. We have been raised up “For such a time as this!” The Lion of God’s prophetic Word is roaring. Do you hear its call?

Carl Gallups of Milton, Florida

Carl Gallups is a police officer–turned senior pastor of Hickory Hammock Baptist Church in Milton, Florida. Gallups is the author of The Rabbi Who Found Messiah and Magic Man in the Sky, a radio talk show host, a member of the Board of Regents University of Mobile, and the founder of the PPSimmons News and Ministry Network.

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