Biden Time

Crazy Uncle Joe in His Own Words

Biden at his verbally vapid worst is at his all-time best in Biden Time. This collection of the current VP’s most memorably moronic or misfired quotes over the last forty-plus years paints a picture of a man notoriously at odds with saying what he means. Since 2008, Biden, as U.S. vice president, has served at the pleasure of President Barack Obama. At times the pleasure has been all ours as we await the next inevitable Biden faux pas. Chock-full of QR codes, Biden Time takes directly to video clips of Uncle Joe spouting his brand of rhetoric reminiscent of the classic gems we’ve heard before.

Mike Towle

Mike Towle, veteran writer and author of more than fifteen books, has been writing for publication since he was fifteen years old covering his high school basketball team for the local paper. Over the years he has worked full-time as a reporter or editor. A native of Vermont, a graduate of the University of Notre Dame, a former Army officer, and a huge fan of hyphens and big-shot-foot-in-mouth politicians, Towle resides in the Nashville, Tennessee, area.

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