You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence, But You Can't Make Him Think

Answers to Questions from Angry Skeptics

There is a new breed of atheist which our educational system is pumping out like mad. These are militant atheists who have an agenda to eliminate Christianity from the face of the earth. Believers are in a war and we need powerful weapons to "fight the good fight of faith." This book reveals not just the weakness of the atheists' arguments and the solid foundation on which the Christian stands, but does so with humor and warmth. Few books take the time to address the atheist's conscience. By way of a lively Q&A format, "You Can Lead an Atheist" gives empirical evidence for the existence of God. Not only that, this book shows the existence of God can be proven and anyone can do it!

Ray Comfort of Bellflower, CA

Ray Comfort is the best-selling author of more than eighty books, including, Hitler, God and the Bible (the book that sparked the award-winning movie 180), Nothing Created Everything and, The Evidence Bible. He lives in Bellflower, CA.

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