Subversion, Inc.

How Obama's ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers

Do you ever get the feeling America's mounting problems are too grave to have happened by accident? You're far from alone. America is under siege as radicals determined to pulverize the U.S. Constitution deliberately bankrupt the nation, destroy the electoral system, and drive the economy into the ground.

How do you destroy a great nation? Sap its citizens' self-respect and encourage civil unrest. It's no coincidence that the welfare rolls are exploding everywhere and there's no end in sight. An appalling 1 in 7 Americans now receives food stamps and there are 70 bloated federal welfare programs. The failed War on Poverty that started in President Lyndon Johnson's time has cost taxpayers a staggering $16 trillion - and President Obama, who killed the welfare reforms of the 1990s, wants to spend $10 trillion more! To help distribute the wealth even more, radicals handcuffed banks and forced them to give mortgages to people on welfare who had no c

Matthew Vadum

Formerly a CRC research fellow, veteran journalist Matthew Vadum edits Organization Trends and Foundation Watch. An expert on the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), Vadum has been praised and cited by Michelle Malkin in her New York Times bestseller, Culture of Corruption.

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