
How Ideology and Power Politics are Disguised as Science

In this age of technology, experts, studies, and the media, more young people than ever are attending college and more degrees are being conferred every year, but with all the degrees conferred and the numbers in academia soaring, it is prudent to examine not only what is being taught and how, but also its effect on society and the culture. 

Shmexperts provides insight into why we are constantly bombarded with studies and expert opinions that are often contradictory, controversial, and ineffective. In understanding the underlying philosophy and motivation of these experts and the media that promote them, we will gain greater insight and critical thinking skills by which to determine whether or not an expert as cited in the media is a true expert or an agenda-driven shmexpert.

Marc E. Fitch of Harwinton, CT

Marc E. Fitch was awarded the Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship for his work on Shmexperts and is the author of Paranormal Nation: Why America Needs Ghosts, UFOs, and Bigfoot and the novel, Paradise Burns. His work has appeared in the Federalist, American Thinker, and at WND. Fitch has an MFA degree from Western Connecticut State University and currently lives in Connecticut with his wife and four children. For more information visit

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