The Antidote

Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood

In this powerful book, Jesse Lee Peterson traces the collapse of the black community in America to an unexpected source: the anger against one’s mother and father that fatherlessness engenders.

The perverse genius of liberalism has been its ability to capture black anger and project it outwards towards anyone, black or white, who resists the Democratic agenda. By encouraging a resentful dependency, liberals have instituted a new kind of slavery in the black community as emotionally shackling as the physical slavery that first brought Africans to America.

Jesse Lee Peterson of Los Angeles, CA

Jesse Lee Peterson is the most courageous, outspoken critic of the “civil rights” establishment in America today. Raised without his father on a plantation near Tuskegee, Alabama during the Jim Crow era, Peterson has lived a part of America’s history few have experienced. After a spiritual transformation, Peterson founded BOND, a nationally recognized nonprofit organization dedicated to “Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man.” Peterson is also the founder of The BOND Leadership Academy, a private school in Los Angeles.  He’s a radio talk show host, speaker, and the author of SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America, and From Rage to Responsibility. Peterson writes a weekly column for and appears as a media commentator on Fox News Channel, CNN, and other national TV and radio networks.

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