1014 Places to See in Australia
It is impossible not to gasp in wonder at this most ancient of continents. From the most beautiful beaches to stunning caves; from eerie, empty deserts to teaming tourist traps 1014 Things to Do and See in Australia is a compelling guide for anyone who really wants to experience this great island continent. Bruce Elder should know. He has explored every nook and cranny of Australia over the past 20 years, researching its rich diversity and history, meeting its people and capturing it all in words and images. Other books by Bruce Elder include: Blood on the Wattle, The A-Z of Australian Facts, Myths & Legends and Globetrotter Travel Guide Australia.
Bruce Elder Bruce Elder is a writer, commentator, and currently a full-time journalist, specialising in travel and popular culture. His other areas of expertise include film, television and popular music. He has written extensively about Australia and has a passion for Australian history. He has been involved in writing over 60 books, including Blood on the Wattle which, in 2000, was nominated as one of the 10 most influential works of non-fiction published in Australia in the twentieth century.