Fruit Belly

A 4-Day Quick Fix To Relieve Bloating Caused By High Carb, High Fruit Diets

In Fruit Belly, health expert Romy Dolle presents a "4-Day Quick Fix" to eliminate the digestive distress and health problems resulting from weight loss diets featuring large amounts of fruit, salad, and low fat dairy products. Participants in these low-fat diets often experience significant pain and bloating of the abdominal region. After relieving the immediate pain of bloating with the 4-Day Quick Fix, guidance is offered to implement a primal/paleo style eating pattern to easily remove excess body fat without the unpleasant bloating side effects of excess fruit and sugar consumption. Fruit Belly also provides an assortment of delicious recipes as well as workout suggestions to deliver a comprehensive and holistic solution to counter the crash diet approach.

Romy Dollé

Romy is an entrepreneur, author, devoted mother, and MBA wielding, Swiss-certified banking specialist. She grew up in a small mountain village in Switzerland, where the food was picked fresh, collected locally, and left entirely un-adulterated. Growing up, she dreamed of traveling the world and sought the financial freedom to do so. This brought her to the city, where she excelled in a high-power career that helped make her dreams a reality. But during all the hustle and bustle of city life, she noticed a marked decline in her health, mood, and overall wellbeing. This prompted her to re-explore her childhood roots, which provided natural answers and antidotes to her new found problems.

Today, Romy works with her husband Dave Dollé to teach others about the values of eating clean, staying active, and living simply. Dave is high profile fitness expert, trainer, speaker, and a former international caliber track star. He is still the Swiss record holder at 100 meters. He operates the popular Dave Dollé Pure Training studio in Zurich. This dynamic power couple covers all the bases of healthy cooking and eating, effective fitness programming, and simple, clean, healthy, active living!

Marketing & Publicity
  • Blog posts on
  • Social media campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest
  • Author as guest on Primal Blueprint Podcast, ITunes top-20 ranked Health podcast
  • National and regional advertising and promo opportunities with Barnes&Noble, BEA, library publications, etc.