
The Rise of Functional Democracy and the Future of the Middle East

In the Middle East, turmoil has spread quickly. Oppression, inequality, and violence have been keyed in to the very makeup of its society. But what causes a culture to emerge and prosper or stagnate and fail? How can the people take charge of their own inalienable rights to growth, freedom, and life—to keep from backsliding into the grasp of old, unhealthy ideologies?

In Elza Maalouf’s groundbreaking new book Emerge! The Rise of Functional Democracy in the Middle East, we are introduced to a new paradigm for governance based on Clare Graves’ theory of Spiral Dynamics. Where the West’s approach has failed due to lack of memetic understanding, Maalouf’s succeeds by placing democracy in an evolutionary, values-system context specific to unique, Middle Eastern characteristics. Not only does Emerge ask us to seek understanding before we structure and create, it shows us the necessity of teaching our youth to build their own sustainable, indigenous constructs.

Elza S. Maalouf

Elza S. Maalouf is a Lebanese-American futurist, social scientist, and cultural development specialist focusing her work on geopolitics, cultural and political reform in the Arab world including Palestine,Kuwait, Dubai, and in Syria through the European Union SHAMS project (Sustainable Human Activities in Mediterranean urban Systems)

Marketing & Publicity
  • Emerge! will be supported by an aggressive publicity campaign arranged by Meryl Moss Media Relations, an experienced and trusted force in book publicity.
  • Author, Elza Maalouf will leverage her unique set of connections with the Integral Community, the United Nations, and the Global Feminine collaboration for women's rights to promote Emerge!
  • Elza Maalouf is a regular contributor to the Huffington Post where she will promote her new book with timely articles concerning the disturbances and the present eruption with in the Israel-Palestine conflict.