God's War on Terror

Islam, Prophecy and the Bible


From every area of the free world, strong evidence is reaching us of crimes and atrocities committed by Islamic fundamentalists in the name of Allah. A great many Muslims, "educated" people, and our elected leaders known about these crimes; those who do not know, do not know because they do not want to know. They do not ask questions because they are afraid of the answers. They fear the knowledge of what they are tolerating, but the ones among us who are open to seeking truth and justice know how to differentiate between criminals and their victims. The people of the civilized world now have to prove by deed where they stand; mere words will not be believed by a world that witnesses the crimes against God's people and my Christian brethren.
In the past I have sinned greatly against God's people, but because of the grace I received through Christ, I am working to rescue them from injustice.


Walid Shoebat Walid Shoebat was born and raised in Bethlehem, Israel by an Arab father and an American mother. His paternal grandfather was an associate of Haj-Ameen Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was an ally of Adolph Hitler, who conspired with the Nazis during the holocaust. Walid grew up a terrorist but when he married a Christian woman, he was challenged to examine the Bible in 1993 and compare it with the Qur'an. That experience made him a convert to Christianity.

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