The Great Re-imagining

Spirituality in an Age of Apocalypse

“These are the end-times.”

We hear this sentiment in one way or another from various sources, from the fundamentalist preacher to the scientist warning us of climate change. This is a time of economic uncertainty, political oppression and cultural unraveling. Apocalypse, in the ancient world and today, is the experience of disconnection, of unraveling. It is when old gods are dying and the old stories no longer have meaning. Drawing from sources ranging from the ancient apocalyptic traditions to contemporary science, The Great Re-Imagining explores the deep narratives that have brought us the brink of apocalypse and invites us to re-imagine our place in the world.

Theodore Richards

Theodore Richards is the director and founder of The Chicago Wisdom Project, a core faculty member of The Fox Institute, and the author of several books. He is the recipient of numerous literary awards, including two Independent Publisher Awards and the Nautilus Book Award. He lives in Chicago with his wife and daughters.

Marketing & Publicity
  • Postcard Campaign to USA Public Libraries
  • Author Website and Social Media Campaign
  • Excerpt Mailing to Spiritual and Political Outlets
  • Readings throughout Chicago, New York, Boston
  • Goodreads Giveaways
  • Founder of The Chicago Wisdom Project in Chicago, IL