Dumb Politics

The Political Rhetoric and Blissful Ignorance of a Generation

Moral arguments have taken the place of empirical evidence. Virtue signaling has replaced constructive political discussion. Individualism is dead and efforts of those that govern are measured more meticulously than the efforts of those who are governed. All of the rhetoric taking place in the political climate today is generationally backed for years to come. What is this rhetoric? It is simply Dumb Politics.

Broken ideas and assimilation of thought have rooted itself in education, economics, culture, immigration, and political name calling. Dumb Politics will teach us that you must never underestimate the ignorance of the masses. 

Tanner T. Roberts of Houston, TX

Born in Houston, Texas, Tanner Thomas Roberts has always had a passion for learning, reading and politics.  Tanner graduated from Texas A&M in 2013 with a B.S. in Economics and received a Business Economics Certificate (BEC) which focuses on integrating the practical skills taught in Mays Business School with the analytical tools of economics. Currently, Tanner works as a Director of Business Development at a technology consulting company overseeing some of the largest sales growth in company history.

Tanner is a musician and enjoys writing music on both guitar and piano. He enjoys being terrible at golf and living an active lifestyle. At a young age, he began collecting comic books and continues to be an avid collector to feed his inner nerd.

Tanner T. Roberts is a proud father to a beautiful daughter.

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