Executive Courage

Sometimes You Have to Walk Point

I use the metaphor of “walking point” to emphasize that organizational longevity and greatness are not achieved by feint-at-heart executives who seek cover through consensus-building, compromise solutions, focus groups, and duplicitous actions. 

Walking point is taking charge of the organization. It involves trusting one’s instincts, possessing a propensity to will or determine an outcome through words and action, and having a diminished sense of fear and risk and an insatiable appetite to be the best.

There are varying views and philosophies regarding managing schools, colleges, and business turnarounds. Leadership is a dynamic process, and leader skill sets can vary dramatically. However, it takes a bold, decisive, confident, ice-in-the-veins leader to turnaround a rapidly failing organization—a leader who does not lead with his/her feelings or fear the demise of their popularity.

This book describes what more than 50 years of leading and managing change has taught me. This is the way I did it, and I have the successes and scars to prove it.

Get out your highlighters!

James Benson

Jim Benson is a businessman, educator, and a former U.S. Marine. He is the owner and principal of J.H. Benson Turnarounds and Recoveries, LLC. Using his diverse background as a senior leader and administrator in business, colleges, and college preparatory schools, Jim has produced his second book on leading, administering, and influencing others on how to achieve organizational greatness. His enviable reputation for competence and success was built through saving forlorn and failing organizations; this is explained in extraordinary detail in Section 56, “Turnarounds and Recoveries.” By blending and illustrating his leadership and management experience, he describes what it takes to achieve success in struggling organizations. This book is for senior administrators, executives, and those who aspire to experience the exhilaration—while not succumbing to the stress and misery—that accompanies these exalted positions of responsibility and accountability. As you delve into the wisdom-packed pages, you will be inspired, motivated, disgruntled, and even angry at Jim’s advice and counsel.

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