Believing Bones

What if some of life's hardest questions could be answered by the most unsuspecting among us? What if the simplest of truths were found in the smallest of hearts? And what if believing was all that was needed to journey there? For what matters most in life is sometimes only seen through the eyes of those whose purpose in this world often goes unnoticed. Believing Bones is a story that remains rooted in the soul long after it has ended. Bones, a white cat, travels a city alone, seeing, both in nature and in the man-made world, many allegories for humankind. Along his journey, he meets nine people whose lives, because of either the choices they made, or simply the choices that have befallen them, have brought them to Bones. He gives them the honesty that comes from an understanding that is far different than our own.

Jill Jackard Jill Jackard currently lives in the Kansas City area with her husband, daughter and four cats. She is a part-time reading specialist in an elementary school and enjoys traveling, reading and spending time with family and friends. She hopes that her story will inspire people to give their lives more meaning.

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