El dilemma de Emma

Alguna vez has sentido como otros pensarIan que eres diferente? Eso es exactamente la forma en que Emma se siente cuando su maestra anuncia el proyecto de clase para crear un Arbol genealOgico. Emma es cierto que todo el mundo en su clase no va a entender y aceptar lo que significa ser adoptado. PodrA resolver su dilema?

Molly McCluskey-Shipman Molly McCluskey-Shipman understands children. In fact, a student once told her "You should change your name to Dr. Feel Better; every time I talk to you I feel better."In addition to Emma's Dilemma, Molly is the author of The BIST Bunch, along with various manuals and articles for nonprofit organizations. Molly is a Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker in the State of Kansas and helps adults teach behavioral skills to children in the Kansas City Area. Molly lives in Kansas City with her 14-year old daughter, their cat and dog.

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