The Causes of AntiSemitism

A Critique of the Bible
Arthur Blech's THE CAUSES OF ANTI-SEMITISM forcefully and factually presents religious arguments so polemical that serious historians have until now been forced to avoid them. And yet readers in pursuit of the truth about the Bible must not ignore them. Layers and layers of falsehoods with regard to Judaism and Christianity have built-up over centuries and have come to be regarded as hallowed fact. Blech plainly notes, "an idea is not true just because it has been so considered since antiquity, nor is an idea on that account true because a great majority of the public is of this opinion." This book asks new questions of age-old assumptions and casts grave doubts on settled conclusions as regards Judaism and Christianity in general, the Bible specifically.

Arthur Blech Arthur Blech was born in 1923 in Czechoslovakia. In 1939, he went to England to attend school. He came to the United States in 1947 and graduated from Texas Christian University. Arthur Blech has spent decades conducting research in areas of study related to the Holocaust This book is the fruit of those labors.

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