The Ellison Effect
The Ellison Effect is a passionate psychological depiction and defense of the world's last remaining legend. Avra Amar Filion has earned the reputation of being a portrait writer with this controversial portrayal of Lawrence Joseph Ellison. Bringing light to one of the most complex personalities to walk on this earth and presenting him, as she described "A Self-Made Perfection." Speaking out on the injustice, and wrongful persecution and the media created image of Larry Ellison. She unfolds bit by bit his inner-self and for the first time we are able to see through her depiction, her eyes the man everyone so carelessly over-looked and wrongfully attacked. She washed away the graffiti that other authors and bold accusers painted over the father of technology. Being a lecturer she speaks her opinions with integrity and straight-forwardness to defend and stand for a man she respects, and on a personal level she built the foundation for all the rest of us to see the Self-Standing Architecture that is Larry Ellison.Avra Amar Filion
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