Motivation From Within

Self Empowerment For Companies and Individuals
Motivation is the answer to the question “Why we do what we do?”. The motivation theories try to figure out what the “M” is in the equation: “M motivates P” (Motivator motivates the Person). It is one of most important duty of an entrepreneur to motivate people. (I strongly belief that motivating people with vision and shared goals is more favorable than motivating through tactics, incentives or manipulation through simple carrot and stick approaches because motivating with vision is natural where as the former is artificial and ephemeral). Now, lets rise on the shoulders of the giants Our entire work force needs motivation that comes from within…This book is a must read for any everyone. Motivation from within is simply the power to decide before you take massive action that you never knew exist within you.

Stanley Agwu From a dish washer to a world renowned Motivational Speaker & Leadership Expert(Trainer). After working in a restaurant as a dish washer for two years in Canada, Stanley Agwu took a leap of faith and made an inspiring advancement that will become one of the world most talented and gifted sales and motivation speaker. Over 5 years ago Stanley Agwu ventured into network marketing in the U.S.A., within 20 months he was promoted to the position of Senior Vice President as a result of helping over 2,000 people start their own home based business, also to his credit he received an award from the International Library of Poetry as an outstanding Poetry. He recently transited into public speaking that made him famous. he is currently inspiring, motivating, empowering both young and older people including organization to find their true calling in life, so they can build a better life style.

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