Celebrate Anglicanism

Celebrate Anglicanism addresses two pressing questions facing the Anglican Church in North America.  First, what does it mean to be an Anglican?  Many Anglicans are relatively new to calling themselves Anglicans including those who had been long time members of the Episcopal Church.  Few Anglicans have been exposed to teaching about Anglican tradition and history. Second, what do many Anglicans love about their church and traditions. If we are to be successful church planters and to bring those without a church into our parishes, we must be able to tell the people in our lives our Church's story. Celebrate Anglicanism will help newcomers and long time church goers alike on their journey toward a growing understanding.  We will learn:

What it means to be an Anglican

Basics of Apostolic Christianity and sacramental worship

Anglican Communion history, doctrine, beliefs, and tradition.

The role of the laity

Recent Communion events that have taken place in Jerusalem and Nairobi.

Bud Davis of Newport Beach, CA

Bud Davis, PhD., is an Anglican layman and educator. Originally from Detroit Michigan, Bud and his wife, Carol moved to Southern California in 1968 where he began his career in education earning a Masters and a Phd as he advanced to Superintendent of Schools. Bud has been a member of St. James Anglican Church, Costa  Mesa, CA. where he has has served in a number of capacities and on the Executive Committee of the Diocese of Western Anglicans. He is the author of Celebrate Anglicanism – The Faith That Anglicans Have Always Believed, Taught, and Practiced. (Anglican House Media, Inc., 2014)

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