DADLY Dads: Parent of the 21st Century

DADLY Dads is the first coffee table book designed to showcase the good nature, wisdom and value of fathers as parents. The compelling photos and content in this book will inspire conversation about the refreshing, positive images of 21st century fathers as responsible, competent, active and nurturing parents. The passionate, tender and loving candid photos combined with the genuine, eloquent and heartfelt comments from a diverse group of amazing dads all over the world represent fatherhood and masculinity at it’s best.

Hogan Hilling Hogan Hilling is a parent, nationally recognized and Oprah-approved author of 12 parenting books. He has appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and is the creator of the "Dadly" book series and first coffee table books to feature 230 dads and moms from 14 countries. Hilling is also the founder of United We Parent and Dad Marketing, LLC.

Austin Dowd Austin Dowd is a parent, free-lance photographer, co-founder of the Triangle Stay-At-Home Dads in North Carolina and board member for the National At-Home Dad Network Dowd lives in North Carolina. @Austin_Dowd.

Marketing & Publicity
  • e. Non-Profit Organization/Corporate Partnership i. The author will align with 2-3 non-profit organizations or Corporate Partners with a substantial reach. The non-profit will promote the book to their volunteers and community members. The author will donate a percentage of his/her royalties to the non-profit.
  • b. Speaking Engagement Pre-Sales & Bulk Corporate Special Editions c. Pre-Media Promotion to Podcasts, Bloggers, etc.
  • b. Media Promotions i. Through our press initiatives, the book will be featured on a wide range of media including nationally syndicated radio shows, Television networks, high traffic podcasts, and blogs c. Social Media Campaign i. The Author and Publisher will push the book heavily through their social media databases reaching over 250,000 targeted readers.