Following Jesus Every Day

How Believing Transforms Living

The monthly catechesis series in the Cathedral of St. Stephen by the renowned Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, have become an institution among many people in Austria. In simple but beautiful words and vibrant images presented by the Cardinal, the doctrine and the practice of the faith are fruitfully brought together.

The catechesis in this volume addresses the basic questions of Christian morality, how we live what we believe as followers of Christ. Catechesis means a strengthening in the faith, of what we believe, and thus live. Cardinal Schoenborn points out that we are not left alone in our conduct, in the difficult task of coping with life’s challenges: God’s grace helps us. Thanks to this divine help, good conduct is possible, as we see in the great examples of the saints.

This cycle of catechesis leads from the basic question—What is ethical conduct, and how is it possible?—to the question of holiness, and how do we become saints? His reflections on morality always begin with human experience. What then is the specific character of Christian morality?

Cardinal Schoenborn explores these and many other important questions about Christian moral living, using the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, as well as insights from the Church Fathers and the saints. He covers these and other key topics: