How To Rename Your Boat

And 19 Other Useful Ceremonies, Superstitions, Prayers, Rituals, and Curses

One glance will convince you that this is not at all your usual boating book. It's quirky-funny in some chapters, serious in some, and quite over the top in others. And yet, as experienced boaters will realize, it's really a book about safety at sea, supplemented with plentiful advice about how you can improve your odds of survival in various circumstances.Some of it may not be standard advice, of course. Vigor's famous "denaming" ceremony, for instance, doesn't look like boating safety advice at first glance. But it is. It protects you from bad luck at sea, and sailors the world over have recognized this. The ceremony is the most-requested article on several Internet Web sites and has been translated into several foreign languages. But Vigor's fertile imagination doesn't stop there. In this book he also introduces us to 19 other prayers, rituals, and ceremonies that boaters might need at some time-even the rites for burying a person at sea.

John Vigor

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