The Solomon Portfolio

How to Invest Like a King
The purpose of this book is simple: to make you richer than you are presently --through sensible, understandable financial concepts and through a stronger relationship with God. Using the strength of wisdom displayed by the richest and wisest man known throughout history -- King Solomon, the author puts that knowledge and wisdom to work in approaching modern day investing. The book is practical and very easy to understand. What was revealed to Solomon can be applied to your own investments. Since no software will ever be able to accurately tell anyone what specific investment will be guaranteed to work; the same goes for investment advisers. The key to proper investing is to properly diversify and to prudently monitor one's investments. By setting up a portfolio that confirms Solomon's advise and uses scientific research and hard fact, the seven specific asset types that produce amazing results are called "The Solomon Portfolio." The seven are large-cap US stocks, small-cap US stocks,

Robert W. Katz A partner in a New Orleans-based CPA firm, Bob is the author of the successful Money Came by the House the Other Day. He teaches financial planning and has appeared on such TV programs as The 700 Club with Pat Robertson, Joyce Meyers, James Robison, and Benny Hinn. Bob's primary interest is assisting people in making solid financial decisions.

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