Farm 54

Farm 54 is a collection of three semi-autobiographical stories addressing three important periods in the life of the protagonist, Noga, born at the start of the 1970's and growing up in Israel's rural periphery. Substitute Lifeguard (1981) finds her towards the end of her childhood as she experiences a family trauma, a blessing and a birthday. Spanish Perfume (1983) brings her to teenage in the wake of the First Lebanon War whilst Houses (1989) portrays her passage to adulthood and hence military service in the occupied territories.These stories present the disturbing underground dimensions of adolescence and the dangers and traumas that subvert the superficial tranquillity of youth in the countryside. While these Israeli childhood stories take place in the shadow of war and occupation, they eventually also reflect universal feelings, passions and experiences.

Galit Seliktar Galit was born in Israel in 1970 and has published poetry, stories and comics in many prominent cultural magazines in Israel, Europe and US. She is the author of Farm 54 and sister to Gilad. Born in Israel in 1977 he has published comics and illustrations in most of Israel's newspapers and is the artist on Farm 54.

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