Jonathan Cahn's Biblical Teachings -- Volume 1

In partnership with WND Films, messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn is releasing some of his finest teachings, delivered at conferences and at his own new jersey congregation, the Beth Israel Worship Center.

 The Masada Mystery For 2,000 years, God kept a scroll hidden on top of Masada in the Israeli wilderness waiting for the Jewish people to come back to the land and uncover it.

Discover this awesome prophecy of God and what it has to do with you.  

The Hanukkah Endtime Mystery Hanukkah contains one of the most amazingly detailed revelations of the end times – Jonathan Cahn opens up the endtime mysteries of Hanukkah, with stunning detail on what is yet to come, and what is already happening right now before our eyes!  

The Sanhedrin Secret The mother of all charges made against the resurrection. Learn about the long hidden tablet in Nazareth, the mystery passages in the Talmud’s Book of Sanhedrin, and amazing passage in which the rabbis bear witness to the resurrection of messiah.

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