No Guts, No Story

A tale of courage & success from the heartland
No Guts, No Story, by Barb Pitcock offers the quintessential American success story in the form of an inspirational memoir. Full of emotion and life lessons that emphasize the power of perseverance and faith over the fear and doubt that pervades modern life, this story of personal and professional growth will entertain and inspire all who read it.

Barb tells the story of how she and husband Dave rose from humble beginnings in small town Kansas to find their fortune in the competitive world of home-based network marketing. At every step they were able to turn their pitfalls and mistakes into valuable lessons, using their faith in God and their fellow man to look past momentary stumbles to the future they had dreamed of, their courage and determination ultimately leading to national recognition for these "Kids from the Heartland". Their story gives a healing perspective on life's adversities and tragedies, and offers a blueprint for personal fulfillment. Barb's story underscores th

Barb Pitcock Barb Pitcock is an internationally sought after speaker, author of several cd training sets and of the new book No Guts, No Story. Her story of financial disaster to multi-millionaire has helped many understand that they too - can succeed. Barb knows what it takes to become successful and she wants to share that knowledge with YOU.

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