Pope Benedict in America

The Full Texts of Papal Talks Given During His Apostolic Visit to the United States

During his six-day apostolic visit to Washington and New York, Pope Benedict addressed millions of people?in person or via the media. He gave some fifteen major addresses, ranging from his remarks to the President of the United States to his address to ecumenical leaders at St. Joseph Parish in New York, from his speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations to his message to the Jewish community celebrating the feast of Passover. In all of his addresses, Benedict spoke as the Vicar of Christ with the message of divine truth and love, of genuine faith and a well-founded, Christ-centered hope.

This book contains all of Benedict's major addresses in a handy slim deluxe hardcover edition perfect for studying and reflecting on the Pope's profound and insightful words on a variety of important spiritual, moral, and social issues.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) is widely recognized as one of the most brilliant theologians and spiritual leaders of our age. As Pope he authored the best-selling Jesus of Nazareth; and prior to his pontificate, he wrote many influential books that continue to remain important for the contemporary Church, such as Introduction to Christianity and The Spirit of the Liturgy.

Marketing & Publicity