My Job

Real People at Work Around the World

MY JOB: Real People at Work Around the World, is a collection of vivid first-person accounts of real people in unique jobs, in the U.S. and the world. Never before has such a collection of stories been gathered. Building upon the legacy of Studs Terkel’s 1970s bestseller WorkingMY JOB goes global and updated, reflecting the daily struggles and successes of working storytellers in their own distinctive voices.

MY JOB explores the dignity, identity, economic viability, and inherent challenges of each occupation. How has the definition and notion of a job shifted in recent years? How does one land in a particular job, and what causes one to flourish or flounder in it? How does our job shape our sense of identity? And how does an identity built around work impact other facets of our lives?

As communications and social media transform our world into a global village, readers are exposed to life and work in other places. Our awareness of countries and cultures far beyond home leads to a natural interest in them. This is a pivotal moment in which geography still greatly impacts employment; yet the experiences of others, even in distant countries, are more accessible today than ever before.

Suzanne Skees of San Francisco, CA

Suzanne Skees works in international development as director of the Skees Family Foundation. She holds masters’ degrees in English literature from Boston College and world religions from Harvard Divinity School. Suzanne Skees has authored a book published by Hyperion and has worked in publishing as a book editor for Houghton Mifflin.

Marketing & Publicity
  • The announcement of publication will reach over 250,000 people through partners’ social-media communities.
  • Author plans on organizing speaking engagements at organizations Collaborate 4 Africa, Communications Network, Exponent Philanthropy, Harvard Divinity Leadership Council, Social Venture Partners, Stanford Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society, and The Philanthropy Workshop
  • Author profits of the book will go towards supporting job creation
  • Book tour managed by One Square World consulting group
  • Active website;; twitter: @myjobstories
  • Chapter subjects will be available for interviews, book signings, and video-chats around the country and the world