How Would You Rate Your Life

All of us desire a better life than we have now, whether we are in the depths of despair or riding the crest of a wave of success. We all want more-more fulfillment, more joy, more satisfaction, more significance. TEN will challenge readers to partner with God in the fulfillment of their own destinies, define their "circles of change" and watch what happens. In addition, TEN helps readers to see the essential link between getting better at your life and helping others get better at theirs. Don't settle! Want more! Now is the time to move toward living TEN!

Terry Smith Terry A. Smith has served as a lead pastor of the Life Christian Church for twenty years. TLCC is a nondenominational faith community in West Orange, NJ, serving the New York City metro area. Terry is a cofounder of the New York City Leadership Center and an instructor in its Leadership Fellows program. A gifted communicator, Terry speaks in a variety of venues nationally and internationally. He is passionate about challenging, developing, and encouraging leaders.

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