Malice Toward None

Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, the Homestead Act, and the Massacre --and Heartening Survival--of the Kochendorfers
A gravestone inscription leads the author on a search through early Minnesota history, and then U.S. and Civil War history. He discovers that four siblings orphaned by the Dakota War commissioned that inscription in memory of their parents and younger sister, and that their many descendants now live all around him. Those quiet descendants have kept many wonderful family records, and in those letters and photographs he learns that those four brave orphans lived lives of tolerance and gratitude, lives that answered President Lincoln's hopes in that Second Inaugural Address. 

Daniel C. Munson of Maplewood, MN Daniel C. Munson is a chemical engineer and student of scientific and financial history. He has published professional journal articles as well as a half-dozen articles connecting art and literature with financial history in Barron's Financial Weekly and other publications. Malice Toward None is his first book of history. He lives with his wife and sons in Maplewood, Minnesota.

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