Curlee Girlee

Curlee Girlee's hair makes her mad!  She wants it to grow down her back like spagetti, not sideways and all curly-whirly.  Curlee Girlee wants to look like everybody else- and she'll try anything to solve her problem.

Then one day she discovers that her curly hair is perfect just the way it is.  Curlee Girlee doesn't need to look like everyone else to be beautiful.

Atara Twersky

Atara Twersky is an attorney and the mother of three young children.  Atara lives and works in Manhattan.  She was inspired by her own real-life Curlee Girlee to write this book but her hope is that it will resonate with the 1.6 billion curly haired girls worldwide as well  inspire all little girls to embrace their differences and feel beautiful inside and outside, exactly as they are.

Karen Wolcott

Karen Wolcott has worked for Random House and Mattel and has illlustrated more than 40 children's books, including titles for Scholastic and American Girl.  She livees in Omaha, Nebraska, with her family.

Marketing & Publicity
  • Feature Article on Curlee Girlee in Huffington Post April 17, 2017 link:
  • As seen on HLN Weekend Express with Lynn Smith
  • Children's Books We Wish We Had When We Were Kids
  • As seen on "This is it Live TV" with Cheldin Barlatt
  • "Curlee Girlee celebrates our differences" Parade Magazine
  • "Twersky's tale of Curlee Girlee reminds all of us that unique quallities should be celebrated and what makes us unique and special" BELLA Magazine Los Angeles